
Selasa, 23 September 2014


PENGERTIAN TKR (Teknik Kendaraan Ringan)

Teknik Kendaraan Ringan merupakan kompetensi keahlian bidang teknik otomotif yang menekankan keahlian pada bidang penguasaan jasa perbaikan kendaraan ringan. Kompetensi keahlian teknik kendaraan ringan menyiapkan peserta didik untuk bekerja pada bidang pekerjaan jasa perawatan dan perbaikan di dunia usaha/industri. TKR / Otomotif Tujuan Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan secara umum mengacu pada isi Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UU SPN) pasal 3 mengenai tujuan PendidikanNasional dan penjelasan pasal 15 yang menyebutkan bahwa pendidikan kejuruan merupakan pendidikan menengah yang mempersiapkan peserta didik terutama untuk bekerja dalam bidang tertentu.
Secara khusus tujuan Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan adalah membekali peserta didik dengan keterampilan, pengetahuan dan sikap agar kompeten:
1. Memahami dasar-dasar mesin.
2. Memahami proses-proses dasar pembentukan logam.
3. Menjelaskan proses-proses mesin konversi energi.
4. Menginterpretasikan gambar teknik.
5. Menggunakan peralatan dan perlengkapan di tempat kerja.
6. Menggunakan alat-alat ukur (measuring tools).
7. Menerapkan prosedur keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan tempat kerja.
8. Memperbaiki sistem hidrolik dan kompresor udara.
9. Melaksanakan prosedur pengelasan, pematrian, pemotongan dengan panas dan pemanasan.
10. Melakukan overhaul sistem pendingin dan komponen– komponennya.
11. Memelihara/servis sistem bahan bakar bensin.
12. Memperbaiki sistem injeksi bahan bakar diesel.
13. Memeliharaan/servis engine dan komponen-komponen- nya.
14. Memperbaiki unit kopling dan komponen-komponen sistem pengoperasian.
15. Memelihara transmisi.
16. Memelihara unit final drive/ garden.
17. Memperbaiki poros penggerak roda.
18. Memperbaiki roda dan ban.
19. Memperbaiki sistem rem.
20. Memperbaiki sistem kemudi.
21. Memperbaiki sistem suspensi. 22. Memelihara baterai.
23. Memperbaiki kerusakan ringan pada rangkaian/ sistem kelistrikan, pengaman dan kelengkapan tambahan.
24. Memperbaiki sistem pengapian.
25. Memperbaiki sistim starter dan pengisian.
26. Memelihara/servis sistem AC (Air Conditioner).

download video tentang pembuatan Helic Algear disini
download video tentang pembuatan Pasangan Roda Gigi Lurus disini

Selasa, 26 April 2011


DNS (Domain Name System) Mungkin secara umum bisa diartikan sebagai sistem pemberian alamat yang digunakan dalam internet/intranet. DNS bertugas memberikan nama host dan pelaku utama dalam mengatur tiap host dalam domain kita. DNS juga berfungsi sebagai resolver nama-nama sistem ke bentuk IP address atau sebaliknya, hal ini diperlukan karena keterbatasan manusia yang mengalami kesulitan untuk mengingat IP address sebagai identitas komputer dan akan lebih mudah jika mengingat dalam bentuk nama. kasus : 1. domain –> 2. Net ID –> for ex: –> –> –> –> pertama…mengecek file2 yg dibutuhkan sudah ter-install: Mengecek apakah file-file yang dibutuhkan sudah terinstall: root@server home]# rpm -qa |grep dhcp dhcp-3.0pl1-23 [root@server home]# rpm -qa |grep bind bind-9.2.1-16 redhat-config-bind-1.9.0-13 bind-utils-9.2.1-16 ypbind-1.11-4 [root@server home]# rpm -qa |grep samba samba-common-2.2.7a-7.9.0 samba-client-2.2.7a-7.9.0 samba-2.2.7a-7.9.0 redhat-config-samba-1.0.4-1 [root@server home]# Jika belum terinstall, silakan install terlebih dahulu, agar lebih mudah, saya menyarankan untuk menggunakan redhat-config-packages. Ketik di Run Command (Start Applications > Run command..) redhat-config-packages. Selanjutnya cari file-file tersebut dan install.Apabila sudah terinstall,siap-siap buat perang tiada akhir… Berikut langkah2nya: ############################################# ———————setting ethernet (/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0) [root@server home]# vi /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0 (u/ menulis/edit tekan tombol insert) DEVICE=eth0 #nama device BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= ONBOOT=yes # dijalankan saat boot Simpan file dengan menekan tombol escape/Esc kemudian ketik :wq kemudian tekan enter ############################################ ———————setting HOSTS (/etc/hosts) [root@server home]# vi /etc/hosts (u/ menulis/edit tekan tombol insert) #Do not remove the following lines, or various programs #that require network functionality will fails localhost.localdomain localhost server Simpan file dengan menekan tombol escape/Esc kemudian ketik :wq kemudian tekan enter ############################################## ———————-setting RESOLV.CONF (/etc/resolv.conf) [root@server home]# vi /etc/resolv.conf (kemudian u/ menulis/edit tekan tombol insert) # Samakan dengan dibawah ini,atau konfigurasi sesuai kebutuhan search nameserver Simpan file dengan menekan tombol escape/Esc kemudian ketik :wq kemudian tekan enter Saatnya restart network [root@server /]# /etc/init.d/network restart Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ] Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ] Setting network parameters: [ OK ] Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK ] Apabila tidak ada pesan error, berarti sejauh ini berhasil. Untuk memastikan, ping ke [root@server named]# ping 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=0.366 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.354 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.309 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=0.318 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=128 time=0.250 ms — ping statistics – 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4044ms rtt min /avg/max/dev = 0.250/0.297/0.354/0.044 ms Good, semuanya berjalan lancar. Lanjutkan ke proses berikutnya. ############################################## DNS SERVER (named) > BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) Pengaturan DNS sebaiknya ditentukan sesuai kebutuhan, seperti pertanyaan pertama, apakah server ini berlaku sebagai gateway, atau mail server, proxy server, web server, database server, backup server atau yang lain? Oleh karena itu, gw lebih serahkan sepenuhnya pada yang membacanya,huehehehe… Letak konfigurasi bind yang terpenting ada di direktori: /etc/named.conf /var/named/ masih sebagai root, kita akan mengkonfigurasi file-file diatas.. NAMED.CONF (/etc/named.conf) [root@server home]# vi /etc/named.conf ketikkan baris dibawah ini, atau lebih baik backup file named.conf aslinya(buat jaga2), dan buat file ini.. ## named.conf -configuration for bind # Generated automatically by redhat-config-bind, alchemist et al. # Any changes not supported by redhat-config-bind should be put # in /etc/named.custom # controls { inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; }; }; include “/etc/named.custom”; include “/etc/rndc.key”; zone “” { type master; file “”; }; zone “localhost” { type master; file “”; }; zone “” { type master; file “coreph.local”; }; zone “” { type master; file “”; }; kalo sudah diketik semua, simpan file tersebut dengan mengetikkan :wq dan tekan [enter] Penjelasan: Perhatikan baris perintah berikut: zone “” { #menambahkan zona baru / domain baru yaitu type master; #merupakan master domain, domain utama… file “”; #file database yang menyimpan konfigurasi seluruh domain dan host}; zone “” { #menambahkan zona reverse baru yaitu type master; #merupakan reverse master domain, domain reverse utama… file “88.168.192.local”; #file database yang menyimpan konfigurasi seluruh domain dan host }; ################################################# file pada direktori /var/named/ [root@server home]# cd /var/named [root@server named]# cp [copy file -->] [root@server named]# cp named.local coreph.local [copy file named.local --> coreph.local] [root@server named]# vi ketikan perintah berikut: (isi file ini cuma contoh, dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan) $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA root.localhost ( 2005911918 ; serial 28800 ; refresh 7200 ; retry 604800 ; expire 86400 ; ttl ) IN NS IN A www IN A ftp IN A mail IN A kalo sudah diketik semua, simpan file tersebut dengan mengetikkan :wq dan tekan [enter] [root@server named]# vi coreph.local ketikkan perintah berikut: (Ingat, sekali lagi isi file ini cuma contoh, dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan) $TTL 86400 IN SOA ( 2005121900 ; serial 28800 ; refresh 2700 ; retry 604800 ; expire 86400 ; ttl ) IN NS 90 IN PTR 90 IN PTR 90 IN PTR 90 IN PTR simpan file dengan mengetik > : + w + q Kemudian restart service BIND dengan perintah: [root@server named]# service named restart Shutting down named: [ OK ] Starting named: [ OK ] [root@server named]# Setelah itu silakan cek dengan perintah nslookup [root@server named]# nslookup Server: Address: Name: Address: ==============================================

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011


Alamat IP (Internet Protocol Address atau sering disingkat IP) adalah deretan angka biner antar 32-bit sampai 128-bit yang dipakai sebagai alamat identifikasi untuk tiap komputer host dalam jaringan Internet. Panjang dari angka ini adalah 32-bit (untuk IPv4 atau IP versi 4), dan 128-bit (untuk IPv6 atau IP versi 6) yang menunjukkan alamat dari komputer tersebut pada jaringan Internet berbasis TCP/IP.

Sistem pengalamatan IP ini terbagi menjadi dua, yakni:

* IP versi 4 (IPv4)
* IP versi 6 (IPv6)

[sunting] Perbandingan Alamat IPv6 dan IPv4

Tabel berikut menjelaskan perbandingan karakteristik antara alamat IP versi 4 dan alamat IP versi 6.
Kriteria Alamat IP versi 4 Alamat IP versi 6
Panjang alamat 32 bit 128 bit
Jumlah total host (teoritis) 232=±4 miliar host 2128
Menggunakan kelas alamat Ya, kelas A, B, C, D, dan E.
Belakangan tidak digunakan lagi, mengingat telah tidak relevan dengan perkembangan jaringan Internet yang pesat. Tidak
Alamat multicast Kelas D, yaitu Alamat multicast IPv6, yaitu FF00:/8
Alamat broadcast Ada Tidak ada
Alamat yang belum ditentukan ::
Alamat loopback ::1
Alamat IP publik Alamat IP publik IPv4, yang ditetapkan oleh otoritas Internet (IANA) Alamat IPv6 unicast global
Alamat IP pribadi Alamat IP pribadi IPv4, yang ditetapkan oleh otoritas Internet Alamat IPv6 unicast site-local (FEC0::/48)
Konfigurasi alamat otomatis Ya (APIPA) Alamat IPv6 unicast link-local (FE80::/64)
Representasi tekstual Dotted decimal format notation Colon hexadecimal format notation
Fungsi Prefiks Subnet mask atau panjang prefiks Panjang prefiks
Resolusi alamat DNS A Resource Record (Single A) AAAA Resource Record (Quad A)

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011


Langkah Pertama Mengkonfigurasi Wireles Linksys

Hubungkan kabel jaringan dari salah satu port Ethernet pada Router dengan port Ethernet pada device WAP.

Langkah Kedua
Ubahlah konfigurasi IP Address network device pada computer anda dengan cara:

• Klik menu [Start] – [Settings] – [Control Panel]
• Pada jendela aplikasi Control Panel, klik 2x pada item Network Connections
• Kemudian klik kanan pada salah satu jenis koneksi yang anda miliki Local Area Connection atau Wireless Network Connection, dan pilihlah Properties pada menu pop-up yang muncul
• Pada jendela koneksi pilihlah Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) pada pilihan This connection uses the following items. Dan klik pada tombol Properties.

• Pada jendela Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) Properties, pilihlah option Use the following IP Address, dan masukkanlah IP Address, Subnet Mask, dan juga Gateway-nya seperti pada gambar berikut ini:

Perhatikan bahwa IP Address yang anda masukkan sesuai dengan gambar diatas adalah, angka 10 tersebut dapat anda ganti dengan nomor dari 2 sampai dengan 254, kecuali nomor 1 (alamat router), dan juga 245 (alamat access point).
Langkah Ketiga
Setelah itu, cobalah koneksi anda dengan cara:
• Klik menu [Start] – [Run]
• Pada jendela dialog Run, ketikkan perintah : “cmd” (tanpa tanda kutip), untuk membuka layar Command Prompt.
• Kemudian pada layar Command Prompt, ketikkan perintah: “ping” (tanpa tanda kutip), dan jika koneksi berhasil maka informasi seperti berikut ini akan ditampilkan:

Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 1ms
• Ketikkan perintah: “exit” (tanpa tanda kutip), untuk keluar dari layar Command Prompt.

Langkah Keempat
Kemudian, bukalah web browser anda (Mozilla Firefox ataupun Internet Explorer), dan ketikkanlah alamat: pada address bar pada web browser anda.
Jika password diminta, kosongkanlah kotak Username, dan isilah kotak Password dengan “admin” (tanpa tanda kutip). Ini merupakan password default Wireless Access Point Linksys. Anda dapat melakukan perubahan pada password ini pada bagian Setup Password pada layar utama konfigurasi.
Apabila tidak ada masalah, maka layar konfigurasi/setup WAP akan ditampilkan

Lakukan perubahan sesuai dengan setting konfigurasi pada jaringan anda, dan jangan lupa untuk mengklik pada tombol Save Settings, untuk menyimpan perubahan tersebut.
Untuk memberikan proteksi keamanan pada jaringan wireless anda, anda dapat mengaktifkan option Wireless Security dengan mengklik pada option Enabled, kemudian klik tombol Edit Security Settings untuk membuka dialog pengaturan jenis akses keamanan.

Pada layar tersebut, pilihlah jenis akses keamanan pada option Security Mode, anda dapat memilih WEP, RADIUS, WPA-Pre Shared, WPA. Jika anda memilih option WEP maka pada option WEP Encryption pilihlah 128 bits 26 hex digits untuk membuat kombinasi enkripsi sebanyak 26 digit. Pada bagian Passphrase, anda dapat memasukkan sembarang kata, kalimat yang anda inginkan kemudian dengan mengklik pada tombol Generate, maka kombinasi enkripsi akan dibuat berdasarkan Passphrase yang telah anda isikan sebelumnya. Ataupun anda bisa juga mengosongkan Passphrase dan memasukkan 26 kombinasi angka dan huruf yang anda inginkan.
Selain itu, terdapat beberapa pengaturan yang dapat anda lakukan pada Wireless Access Point ini antara lain:
1. Klik pada menu Setup  Password untuk mengatur konfigurasi Password administrator.

1. Klik pada menu Setup  AP untuk mengatur tipe mode koneksi.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011



#nano /etc/network/interfaces

ip address :
subnet mask :
network :
gateway :

auto eth0
ctrl + x, lalu tekan y
#/etc/init.d/networking restart

#apt-cdrom add
#apt-get update

#apt-cdrom add
#apt-get install ssh
#nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
port 22
PermitRootLogin no
MaxAuthTries 2
AllowUser pian
ctrl + x, lalu tekan y
#nano /etc/ssh/hosts.allow
sshd :
ctrl + x, lalu tekan y
#nano /etc/ssh/hosts.deny
sshd : all
ctrl + x, tekan y
#/etc/init.d/ssh stop
#/etc/init.d/ssh start

#apt-cdrom add
#apt-get install samba
#nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
workgroup = workgroup
netbios = debianpian
security = share
path = /home/pian/tkj
browseable= yes
available = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
ctrl + x, lalu tekan y
#mkdir /home/pian/tkj
#nano /home/pian/tkj/TeknikInformatika.txt
ini adalah percobaan sharing
ctrl + x, tekan y
#chmod -Rf 777 /home/pian/tkj
#chown -Rf 777 /home/pian/tkj

#apt-cdrom add
#apt-get install sbmclient
#smbclient -L // (untuk melihat file yang disharing client lain)
password :

#smbclient //
password :

#apt-cdrom add
#apt-get install mc

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011


Persamaan Aplikasi antara Windows dan Linux

No Prog Aplikasi Windows Program Aplikasi Linux Fungsi
1 MS Office OpenOffice, KOffice, AbiWord, Gnumeric Program paketan yang sering digunakan di perkantoran
2 Internet Explorer Firefox, Konqueror, Google Chromium Menjelajahi dunia maya
3 Outlook Evolution, Thunderbird, KMail Managemant e-mail
4 Yahoo Messenger Pidgin, Yahoo Messenger unix.Gyachi. Meddia chat
5 File/Print Sharing Samba, NFS, CUPS
Berbagi file/device
6 Photoshop GIMP, ImageMagic Edit photo
7 CorelDraw Inkscape, Xara Pembuatan gambar 2D
8 VisualBasic/.Net Gambas/Mono Pembuat program aplikasi (database)
9 DreamWeaver NVU Membuat Web
10 3D Max Blender Pembuatan Gambar 3D
11 WinAmp XMMS,Rhythmbox, Amarok Pemutaar musik
12 Nero K3b, Brasero Sofware back up
13 Video Convert WinFF Merubah format video
14 SPSS R-base, PSPP Menghitung data statistik
15 Windows Movie Maker, A.Premiere Cinellera,Xshot,KDenlive Pembuat Video
16 Microsoft Access Open Office Base Pembuat aplikasi (database)
17 ACDSee Digikam View, edit gambar
18 dll

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

10 Orang Terkaya di Dunia 2009

10 Orang Terkaya di Dunia 2009
Yeah… akhirnya Bill Gates kembali ke singgasananya jadi orang terkaya di dunia setelah beberapa saat digeser Warren Buffett. Well.., seperti dikutip dari tanggal 11-03-2009 ada perubahan daftar peringkat orang terkaya di dunia.. ( Bahasa Indonesia )

1 William Gates III United States 53 40.0 United States
2 Warren Buffett United States 78 37.0 United States
3 Carlos Slim Helu & family Mexico 69 35.0 Mexico
4 Lawrence Ellison United States 64 22.5 United States
5 Ingvar Kamprad & family Sweden 83 22.0 Switzerland
6 Karl Albrecht Germany 89 21.5 Germany
7 Mukesh Ambani India 51 19.5 India
8 Lakshmi Mittal India 58 19.3 United Kingdom
9 Theo Albrecht Germany 87 18.8 Germany
10 Amancio Ortega Spain 73 18.3 Spain
1. William Gates III

Net Worth : $40.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Microsoft
Age : 53
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Medina, Washington
Industry : Software
Education : Harvard University, Drop Out,
Marital Status : married, 3 children
Software visionary regains title as the world’s richest man despite losing $18 billion in the past 12 months. Stepped down from day-to-day duties at Microsoft last summer to devote his talents and riches to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Organization’s assets were $30 billion in January; annual letter lauds endowment manager Michael Larson for limiting last year’s losses to 20%. Gates decided to increase donations in 2009 to $3.8 billion, up 15% from 2008. Dedicated to fighting hunger in developing countries, improving education in America’s high schools and developing vaccines against malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. Appointed Microsoft Office veteran Jeffrey Raikes chief exec of Gates Foundation in September. Gates remains Microsoft chairman. Sells shares each quarter, redeploys proceeds via investment vehicle Cascade; more than half of fortune invested outside Microsoft. Stock down 45% in past 12 months. “Creative capitalist” wants companies to match profitmaking with doing good.
2. Warren Buffett

Net Worth : $37.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Berkshire Hathaway
Age : 78
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Omaha, Nebraska
Industry : Investments
Education : University of Nebraska Lincoln, Bachelor of Arts / Science, Columbia University, Master of Science
Marital Status : widowed, remarried, 3 children
Last year America’s most beloved investor was the world’s richest man. This year he has to settle for second place after losing $25 billion in 12 months. Shares of Berkshire Hathaway down 45% since last March. Injected billions of dollars into Goldman Sachs, GE in exchange for preferred stock last fall; propped up insurance firm Swiss Re in February with $2.6 billion infusion. Admits he made some “dumb” investment mistakes in 2008. Upbeat about America’s future: “Our economic system has worked extraordinarily well over time. It has unleashed human potential as no other system has, and it will continue to do so.” Scoffs at Wall Street’s over-reliance on “history-based” models: “If merely looking up past financial data would tell you what the future holds, the Forbes 400 would consist of librarians.” Son of Nebraska politician delivered newspapers as a boy. Filed first tax return at age 13, claiming $35 deduction for bicycle. Studied under value investing guru Benjamin Graham at Columbia. Took over textile firm Berkshire Hathaway 1965. Today holding company invested in insurance (Geico, General Re), jewelry (Borsheim’s), utilities (MidAmerican Energy), food (Dairy Queen, See’s Candies). Also has noncontrolling stakes in Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo.
3. Carlos Slim Helu & family

Net Worth :$35.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : telecom
Age : 69
Country Of Citizenship : Mexico
Residence : Mexico City
Industry : Telecommunications
Education : NA,
Marital Status : widowed, 6 children
Economic downturn and plunging peso shaved $25 billion from the fortune of Latin America’s richest man. Global recession testing his ability to live up to the principles he sets for his employees: “Maintain austerity in times of fat cows.” Son of a Lebanese immigrant bought fixed line operator Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) in 1990; now controls 90% of Mexico’s telephone landlines. Would be a billionaire based on his dividends alone. Biggest holding: $16 billion stake in America Movil, Latin America’s largest mobile phone company with 173 million customers. America Movil and Telmex reportedly planning to jointly invest $4 billion to bolster telecom infrastructure in Latin America. Buying up cheap media, energy and retail assets. Last year took stakes in New York Times Co., former billionaire Anthony O’Reilly’s Independent News & Media and Bronco Drilling; also increased position in Saks. Baseball statistics aficionado, art collector.
4. Lawrence Ellison

Net Worth : $22.5 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Oracle
Age : 64
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Redwood City, California
Industry : Software
Education : University of Illinois, Drop Out,
Marital Status : married, 2 children
Database titan continues to engulf the competition; Oracle has racked up 49 acquisitions in the past 4 years. Bought BEA Systems for $8.5 billion last year. Still sitting on $7 billion in cash. Revenues up 11% to $10.9 billion in the six months ended November 30; profits also up 11% to $2.4 billion. Stock down 25% in past 12 months. Invested $125 million in Web software outfit Netsuite; took public in 2007, stock has fallen 80% since. His shares still worth $300 million. Chicago native studied physics at U. of Chicago, didn’t graduate. Started Oracle in 1977. Public 1986, a day before Microsoft. Owns 453-foot Rising Sun; built a smaller leisure boat because superyacht is hard to park. Squabbling in court with Swiss boating billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli over terms of next America’s Cup. Recently unveiled hulking 90-foot trimaran he intends to use to win it.
5. Ingvar Kamprad & family

Net Worth : $22.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Ikea
Age : 83
Country Of Citizenship : Sweden
Residence : Lausanne
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status : married, 4 children
Peddled matches, fish, pens, Christmas cards and other items by bicycle as a teenager. Started selling furniture in 1947. Opened first Ikea store 50 years ago; stores’s name is a combination of initials of his first and last name, his family farm and the nearest village. Retired in 1986; company’s “senior adviser” still reportedly works tirelessly on his brand. Discount retailer now sells 9,500 items in 36 countries; prints catalog in 27 languages. Revenues up 7% to $27.4 billion in fiscal year 2008. Opened tenth store in China this February; planning to open first in Dominican Republic later this year. Three sons all work at the company. Thrifty entrepreneur flies economy class, frequents cheap restaurants and furnishes his home mostly with Ikea products.
6. Karl Albrecht

Net Worth : $21.5 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Aldi
Age : 89
Country Of Citizenship : Germany
Residence : Mulheim an der Ruhr
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status:married, 2 children Germany’s richest person owns discount supermarket giant Aldi Sud. Retailer faring well amid economic downturn; analysts expect its 2008 sales to be up 9.4% to $33.7 billion. Sales in the U.S. up estimated 20% last year to $7 billion. Plans to open 75 U.S. stores in 2009, including first in New York City. With younger brother, Theo, transformed their mother’s corner grocery store into Aldi after World War II. Brothers split ownership in 1961; Karl took the stores in southern Germany, plus the rights to the brand in the U.K., Australia and the U.S. Theo got northern Germany and the rest of Europe. Retired from daily operations. Fiercely private: little known about him other than that he apparently raises orchids and plays golf.
7. Mukesh Ambani

Net Worth : $19.5 bil
Fortune : inherited and growing
Source : petrochemicals
Age : 51
Country Of Citizenship : India
Residence : Mumbai
Industry : Manufacturing
Education : University of Bombay, Bachelor of Arts / Science, Stanford University, Drop Out
Marital Status : married, 3 children
Oversees Reliance Industries, India’s most valuable company by market cap despite stock falling 40% in past year. Merging his Reliance Petroleum with flagship Reliance Industries. As part of deal, will exercise right to buy back Chevron’s 5% stake in Reliance Petroleum at $1.20 per share—the same price at which he sold it 3 years ago. Today the stock trades for $1.80 a share. Increased stake in Reliance Industries in October; paid $3.4 billion to convert 120 million preferential warrants into shares. Reliance Petroleum refinery on India’s western coast began operating in December despite falling global demand and declining margins. Late father Dhirubhai founded Reliance and built it into a massive conglomerate. After he died Mukesh and his brother, Anil, ran the family business together for a brief time. But siblings feuded over control; mother eventually brokered split of assets. Brothers may be looking to bury hatchet; played joint hosts at mother’s recent 75th-birthday bash. Has yet to move into his 27-story home that he’s building at a reported cost of $1 billion. Ardent fan of Bollywood films. Wife, Nita, oversees school named after his father.
8. Lakshmi Mittal

Net Worth : $19.3 bil
Fortune : inherited and growing
Source : steel
Age : 58
Country Of Citizenship : India
Residence : London
Industry : Steel
Education : St Xavier’s College Calcutta, Bachelor of Arts / Science,
Marital Status : married, 2 children
Indian immigrant heads world’s largest steel company; ArcelorMittal was formed via hostile takeover 3 years ago. Stock in company makes up bulk of his fortune; shares at a 4-year low with steel prices down 75% since last summer. Company forced to pay heavy fines after a French antitrust investigation found 10 companies guilty of price-fixing in European steel markets. Arcelor posted $2.6 billion loss in most recent quarter; announced plans to slow acquisitions, cut capital expenditures, pay down debt. Started in family steel business in the 1970s, branched out on his own in 1994. Initially bought up steel mills on the cheap in Eastern Europe. Company bought 19.9% stake in Australia’s Macarthur Coal last year. Also owns pieces of Mumbai’s Indiabulls Group, London’s RAB Capital; owns stake in, sits on board of Goldman Sachs. Holds substantial cash; owns 12-bedroom mansion in London’s posh Kensington neighborhood.
9. Theo Albrecht

Net Worth : $18.8 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Aldi, Trader Joe’s
Age : 87
Country Of Citizenship : Germany
Residence : Foehr
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status : married, 2 children
Runs discount supermarket group Aldi Nord; firm holding up amid economic downturn. Sales expected to hit $31 billion in 2008. After World War II he and older brother Karl transformed their mother’s corner grocery into Aldi. Brothers split ownership in 1961; Karl took the stores in southern Germany, plus the rights to the brand in the U.K., Australia and the U.S. Theo got the northern Germany stores and the rest of Europe. Unable to operate Aldi stores in U.S., Theo developed discount food store Trader Joe’s; now has more than 320 U.S. stores. Also owns stake in Supervalu. Became a recluse after being kidnapped for 17 days in 1971; said to collect old typewriters; loves golf.
10. Amancio Ortega

Net Worth : $18.3 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Zara
Age : 73
Country Of Citizenship : Spain
Residence : La Coruna
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status : married, 3 children
Railway worker’s son started as a gofer in a shirt store. With then-wife Rosalia Mera, also now a billionaire, started making dressing gowns and lingerie in their living room. Business became one of world’s most successful apparel manufacturers. Today Inditex has more than 4,000 stores in 71 countries. Sales: $12.3 billion. Ortega is chairman. Company exported its cheap chic Zara stores to 4 new markets last year: Ukraine, South Korea, Montenegro and Honduras. Stock up 1% in past 12 months, but fortune down because of weak euro. Also has personal investments in gas, tourism, banks and real estate. Owns properties in Madrid, Paris, London, Lisbon, plus a luxury hotel and apartment complex in Miami, a horse-jumping circuit, and an interest in a soccer league. Shuns neckties and fanfare. Daughter Marta works for Inditex; recent speculation suggests she is being groomed to eventually replace her father.